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Hazardous Roadways

When considering the amount of vehicle collisions that occur every year, many of us may assume that the accident was caused by a negligent driver. However, this is not always the case. There are a number of car accidents that happen because the roadways are not safe or road safety protocols are not being met. In such cases, the accidents were not the fault of the drivers, but the road conditions. Read also: Work zone accidents are common and dangerous.

Dangerous Roadway Accident Lawyers

But, just like any other car accident, even if unsafe road conditions led to the accident, those involved could experience severe physical, financial, and psychological strains. In such circumstances, where does a person go to obtain the necessary compensation for such pains?

The dangers of poorly maintained roads

There are some instances where hazardous roadways are inevitable with weather conditions severely affecting driving conditions. However, there are instances where the roads are not safe because they are not maintained. The damages and injuries that may occurred because of improperly maintained roadways can be devastating.

The Columbus OH vehicle accident lawyers at Leeseberg & Valentine state that the damages may include scarring, disfigurement, brain trauma, and other injuries. The Baltimore car accident attorneys at Gilman & Bedigian agree and share that even seemingly minor injuries could develop into something serious and that injuries can be fatal. Read also: Car Accident Faq's.

How can a personal injury lawyer help?

An experienced lawyer is able to look at the variables that may have contributed to the accident. The San Francisco hazardous roadway attorneys at the Strick Law Offices have experience in using engineers and other skilled professionals to analyze the site of the accident.

Oftentimes, causes for such accidents go unnoticed by law personnel, leaving you to pay for the expenses. However, with an experienced attorney, you can obtain the compensation that you deserve. According to the New York car accident attorneys at Queller, Fisher, Washor, Fuchs & Kool, if you were in an auto accident, you could seek compensation for lost wages, medical bills, pain and suffering, and wrongful death. In addition, a car accident attorney can also work with your car insurance company directly so that you receive proper payments from them as well. Read also: Ohio motorists who text and drive threaten the lives of innocent people.


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